Den uendelige bro i Aarhus

Aarhusregionen i medierne

Foto: Frame & Work

The Aarhus Region in the news

Here's what the world's newspapers, magazines and websites are saying about the Aarhus Region.

Følg her med og læs et udvalg af artikler, journalister og bloggere skriver om Aarhus og Aarhusregionen både nationalt og internationalt.

Find the best articles about the Aarhus Region

Internationale medier har fået øjnene op for Aarhusregionen

Lonely Planet: A first-time guide to Aarhus by James March, January 2025

[...] Aarhus should be given a closer look as the good vibes here aren’t restricted to the locals. From quirky Danish attractions like Den Gamble By living museum to magnificent food experiences, there’s plenty to enjoy about this underrated city 185km (115 miles) northwest of the capital.

Forbes: Why Denmark is the Scandinavian American travel destination for 2025 by David Nikel, December 2024

ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, one of Scandinavia’s largest and most innovative art museums, will unveil its highly anticipated expansion, The Next Level, in 2025.

I newspaper: I moved to the world's happiest city - these are the places that make it great by Amina McCauley, November 2024

Every afternoon around four o’clock, cyclists and pedestrians spill out along cobbled streets without much noise or agenda. Mostly young, they’re on their way for a drink with friends, to a gym class, the beach, or a walk in the forest. In Aarhus, leisure time is precious.

Lonely Planet: 8 of the best places to visit in Denmark by Laura Hall, August 2024

There’s a youthful vibe on the streets, particularly in the Latin Quarter, a handful of cobbled streets where cafes spill out onto the pavement and colorful independent shops sell homewares and fashion. [...] Near to Aarhus, you can find the Mols Bjerge National Park and the country’s lake district, along with plenty of easy-to-reach white-sand beaches.

Daily Mail: Welcome to the outdoor capital of Denmark: Cycle, hike or kayak through 'wooded wilderness' and 'a mosaic of freshwater lakes' by Fiona McIntosh, August 2024

They don’t call it ‘the outdoor capital of Denmark’ for nothing. In this beautiful, largely untouched wooded wilderness with a mosaic of freshwater lakes, you quickly succumb to the call of the wild.

Die Welt: Aarhus ist eine alte Stadt mit jungem Vibe by Verena Wolff, August 2024

Dänemarks zweitgrößte Metropole lässt sich gut mit der Bahn erreichen. Da Aarhus die meisten Studenten im Land hat, prägen vor allem junge Menschen die Stadt an der Ostsee. Neben vielen Ausgehmöglichkeiten locken Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Altstadt und außergewöhnliche Museen.

National Geographic Traveller: Danish Lakes by Anna Melville-James, July 2024

From the 19th-century mill town of Silkeborg, the lakelands of the Jutland peninsula unfurl like giant droplets in a region ripe for kayaking, wild swimming and languid summer walks.

Stralend Denemarken: Buiten spelen en wandelen langs vakwerkhuizen in Randers by Sandra van Bijsterveld, May 2024

Hier in het oude centrum van Randers kwamen we meerdere mooie vakwerkhuizen tegen, maar ook genoeg moderne winkels voor een middagje shoppen. Hier vind je ook de eerste straat van Denemarken waar alleen maar voetgangers mochten komen: Houmeden.

Stralend Denemarken: Onze tips voor een fijn dagje Viborg by Sandra van Bijsterveld, May 2024

Viborg is een van de oudste steden van Denemarken. Het is zelfs een tijd lang de hoofdstad van Denemarken geweest. Historisch gezien is het dus een belangrijke plek in Denemarken.

Café: 6 oupptäckta städer i Europa för en lyckad weekend by Petra Dokken, April 2024

Århus ligger på Jyllands östkust och är ett praktexempel på en stad med bykänsla. Och med by menar vi att allt man behöver finns tillgängligt på kort avstånd, och kanske också att det finns en annan sorts närhet mellan människor.

The Times: These are the 40 most exciting cities to visit in 2024 by Sean Newsom, January 2024

Back in the present, Aarhus O is the coolest new district; it’s home to Nicolinehus market hall, the place for snacking (on everything from empanadas to waffles) and Harbour Bath, an impressive swim-and-sauna complex.

The Guardian: Eco homes and a Michelin green star: sustainable living on Denmark’s Djursland peninsula by Nazia Parveen, June 2023

Throughout the break, we find an emphasis on nature, cycling, watersports and other outdoor family-friendly activities complemented by the pristine coastline around the Djursland region, populated by a content, welcoming people.

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Discover our most popular media stories, news items and videos arranged below.

Se de mest populære artikler fra internationale og nationale medier nedenfor.

Aarhus Ø

Foto:Roar Paaske



Nordic Magazine
Nieuwe kunstdimensie

KampeerKampioen, by Dirk Wijnand de Jong
Van Kattegat naar overvolle disselbak

Columbus Travel
Aarhus, Denemarken - Blik in de toekomst

Columbus Travel
8 Deense musea di je niet wilt missen

Libelle Magazine
Aarhus biedt een mix van 18e-eeuws en hypermodern

Columbus Travel, by Roman Helsinki
Deense Design Koorts: Een roadtrip langs de architectuur van de toekomst

Columbus Travel, by Roman Helsinki
Vakantie Denemarken: maak een roadtrip langs Deens design

Nordic Magazine, by Eveline Sissing
De hoofdstad van Jutland lacht je toe - Aarhus, Smilets by

Vouge, by Stephanie Pander
De lachende stad

NPO (Nederlandse Publieke Omroep)
Rail Away - Denemarken: Aarhus-Silkeborg + Mariager-Handest

Camper Reis Magazine
Koninklijk Denemarken

Vertier op en langs de rivier

Bijzonder Plekje, by Marleen Brekelmans
Denemarken: het mooiste van Aarhus en Djursland

Trouw, by Esther Te Lindert
In Aarhus zijn licht en lucht altijd dichtbij

Stralend Denemarken, by Sandra van Bijsterveld
Stralend Denemarken Magazine Regio Aarhus

Kleine Globetrotter
Kindvriendelijke vakantieparken in Denemarken

Sandra, StralendDenemarken
Tips voor jouw vakantie in Denemarken


City A.M., by Adam Bloodworth
Denmark has the 'happiest city in the world'. I spent a week there in search of their secret

The Telegraph, by Greg Dickinson
I visited the 'happiest city in the world' - here's what I learnt

The Guardian, by Genevieve Fox
Great Dane: a tour of Denmark's culture, countryside and coast

Time Out, by Ella Doyle & Grace Beard
The 21 most underrated travel destinations in Europe for 2025

Daily Mail, by Fiona McIntosh
Welcome to the "outdoor capital" of Denmark

The Sun, by Hope Brotherton
BEER FOR IT - The unusual European city break with the world oldest living museum and £2 local beers

Sunday Times, by Sean Newsom
These are the 40 most exciting cities to visit in 2024

i Newspaper, by Sarah Holt
15 European canal cities that are cheaper and quieter than Venice

Wanderlust, by Jessica Reid
10 European cities for an alternative autumn break

i Newspaper, by Sarah Holt
12 cheap late August holidays nobody else is thinking of, from UK adventures to quiet European beaches

The Sunday Times, by Will Hide
Denmark's under-the-radar second city

The Guardian, by Nazia Parveen
22 of the best travel discoveries of 2022

The Guardian, by Gemma Bowes
A local’s guide to Aarhus: live music, beautiful parks and Nordic street vibe

i Newspaper, by Sofie Lam
The Lord of the Rings: A fantasy land of 100 white-fringed beaches that inspired JRR Tolkien’s Middle-earth

TTG Luxury, by April Hutchinson
Denmark's secret second city

Prima, by Jane Anderson
Let's visit Aarhus

Woman's Weekly, by Sharon Sweeney
Awesome Aarhus


Reise und Erholung, by Fiorella Janker
Dänische Geschichte zum Anfassen - Das Freilichtsmuseum "Den Gamle By" in Aarhus entführt Besucher in vergangene Zeiten

Reise und Erholung, by Fiorella Janker
Kunst, Kultur und Hygge pur - Die dänische Studentenstadt Aarhus begeistert mit einer Mischung aus historischem Charme, futuristischer Architektur und einer grossen Kreativszene

Touristik Aktuell, by Susanne Layh
Ab durch den Matsch!

Hamburger Morgenpost, by Anke Geffers
Das ist neu im Staate Dänemark

Die Harke, by Jasmin Kreulitsch
Urlaub in Dänemark: Diese neuen Highlights gibt es 2025 
When in Ebeltoft – 5 besondere Orte, die du nicht verpassen solltest 
Die schönste Wanderung im Nationalpark Mols Bjerge & mehr Tipps für die Region 
Natur & Kultur pur: Die schönste Wanderung rund um Dänemarks coole Outdoor-Hauptstadt Silkeborg

NORR Magazine
Wandern in Dänemark

Königliches Dänemark

Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten / Rheinpfalz am Sonntag, by Christiane Neubauer
48 Stunden in Aarhus

Die Welt, by Verena Wolff
Aarhus ist eine alte Stadt mit jungem Vibe

IDEAT, by Andrea Bierle
Verguckt in Aarhus

Saarländischer Rundfunk
Aarhus, da will ich hin!

Der Spiegel, by Philipp Laage
Hier sind die besten Städtetipps für Aarhus

Freundin von Welt, by Kirsten Rick
Ahh, Aarhus! Die acht besten Tipps für ein Wochenende in Aarhus

Welt am Sonntag, by Verena Wolff
Auf Tang-Safari

Brigitte, by Monika Dittombée
Frischekur im Norden

Kochen & Genießen (nr. 8/2022), by Isabell Doplbauer
48 Stunden Gaumenglück

Cosy Magasin, by Kristina Specht, reach 125.000
Aarhus - echt hyggelig

WeltTournee - der Reisepodcast
Aarhus - Dänenlügen nicht

Tina Magazin, by Isabell Doplbauer, circulation 293.360, reach 1.8 mio
48 Stunden Glück
Meine Tipps für Deine perfekte Städtereise nach Aarhus
Aarhus: Sehenswürdigkeiten, Highlights und Tipps für Dänemarks zweitgrößte Stadt, by Joe Ellison (Oplag 75.000, reach 0.69 mio., 7 hjerter)
The best Red Bull events to visit this year

Camping, Cars & Caravans
Für Sie geprüft: 7 Camps im dänischen Seenhochland


Dagbladet, by Odd Roar Lange
12 magiske opplevelser i Danmark

Dagbladet, by Odd Roar Lange
Hit bør du reise neste år

12 uforglemmelige opplevelser i Danmark

Hjemmet, by Torild Moland
Edinburgh - Aarhus - Amsterdam: Sjarmerende europeiske byer

Din Fritid, by Tore Afdal
Advent i Aarhus

Din Fritid, by Tore Afdal
Jul i Danmark: Aarhus - Dansk Julefrokost

Dagbladet, by Odd Roar Lange
Dansk førjul

Friluftsliv, by Bjørn A. Esaissen & Bente Risan
En fristende villmarksoase
Festival-september i Aarhus

Norsk Ukeblad, by Lise Lotte Winther-Bay
Danmarks nest største by frister: Sjarmerende lillesøster

Endelige er det sommer i... Danmark, by Frank Williksen
Solgte snusfabrikk – brukte pengene på bil. Nå har Marc Vogel Nord-Europas største Bugatti-samling

Dagbladet, by Odd Roar Lange
Høyt og lavt i Aarhus - Spennende året rundt

Vi Menn, by Mats Schølberg Ulshagen
Danmarks glemte ferieperler

Kamille, by Hedda Bjerén
Utnytt de inneklemte dagene! Mer ferie, sa du?

Dagbladet, by Odd Roar Lange
Den nye smaken av Danmark, by Frank Wilkens
Jo, det er s’gu deilig å være norsk i Danmark!


Svenska Dagbladet
Århus är lyckligast i världen

Expressen - Allt Om Resor, by Cenneth Sparby
Kulturell weekend på Jylland og Fyn

Café, by Petra Dokken
6 oupptäckta städer i Europa för en lyckad weekend, by Peter Olofsson
Danska Århus blir först ut med pantbaserat retursystem för kaffekoppar

Miljö & Utveckling, by Emmy Westling
Här är staden som cirkulerar kaffekoppar

Grónt Samhällsbyggande
De är först i världen med att testa retursystem för kaffekoppar

Svenska Dagbladet, by Linda Iliste
Upptäck konst, kultur och krogliv i danska Århus

Bon Voyage
Roadtrip i Danmark

Search Magazine
En dröm för varje jolleseglare

Search Magazine
Aarhus en stad värd att besöka

The Nordic Nomad
Ny Hattenæs in Silkeborg, Denmark

Husbil & Husvagn, by Jimmie Öbom
20 mil i Danmark

Hemmets Journal, by Colette van Luik
Perfekt för en weekendresa: Üpptäck charmiga Århus i höst 

Expressen - Allt om Resor, by Anna W. Thorbjörnsson and Marko T. Wramén
24 Timmar i Aarhus

Husbil & Husvagn, by Jimmie Öbom
Restips utomlands - med 20 mil som maxgräns!

Allt om resor, by Cenneth Sparby
11 Kulturmål på Jylland och Fyn

Stockholm Food, @stockholmfood
Guide till de bästa restaurangerna i Aarhus i Danmark


Le Parisien
Danemark: Passion design à Aarhus

Aarhus - Voici pourquoi la ville du sourire vous remplira de bonheur...

10 Raisons, by Zina Bennaceur
10 raisons de visiter Danemark en famille

We Demain, by Gilles Trichard
Aarhus - Racontez-moi la ville "heureuse"

Le Journal de la Maison, by Bulle Garenne
Troi adresses inévitables au Danemark - Deuxième ville du pays, Aarhus recèle de spots pour les yuex et les papilles

Nouvelles Du Monde
Danemark: Aarhus est une vieille ville avec une ambiance jeune

IDEAT, by Olivier Reneau
Aarhus - Haute en couleur!

L'Est Républicain, by Thierry Suzan
Horizon Danemark

GRAZIA, by Magali Bertin
Aarhus: 6 choses stylées à faire dans la deuxième ville du Danemark pour un weekend archi trendy

Par Luc Citrinot
A Aarhus, l’esprit « hygge » imprègne le monde des affaires


Internazionale, by Emily LeBarge
Nove mostre imperdibili

Daily Mood, by Lidia Pregnolato
JOMO in Danimarca: la magia del fuori stagione

ADV Training
JOMO in Danimarca, la magia della bassa stagione

TTG Italia
Danimarca, estate positiva: pernottamenti italiani in crescita a doppia cifra

ADV Training
Danimarca, cresce il numero di arrivi dall'Italia

PiratinViaggo, by Matis
10 destinazioni europee sottovalutate per il 2025

Dove, by Elmar Burchia
Aarhus, in Danimarca, la città del food e della felicità: dove si trova e cosa vedere
Viaggi sostenibili: le 10 attrazioni più eco-friendly del mondo

Vacanze in camper: la Danimarca è la destinazione ideale

Royal Run al via: corsa con il re per scoprire bellezze di Danimarca

Aarhus e le sue Meraviglie

Sky Channel
Il nuovo punto di riferimento di Aarhus è un grattacielo-faro

Guida Viaggi
Inaugurato l’Occhio di Aarhus, in Danimarca

Elle Decor Italia, by Alessia Musillo
L'occhio ai Aarhus è il nuovo grattacielo danese alto 142 metri

Vanity Fair Italy, by Chiara Pizzimenti
Aarhus, 10 motivi per visitare l'altra Copenhagen

Il Sole 24 Ore, by Laura Dominici
Alla scoperta della nuova scena gastronomica nell'ecclettica Aarhus

d la Repubblica, by Magda Mutti
Travel News: Il weekend perfetto

Il Sole 24 Ore
L'architettura di Aarhus

ELLE Decor Italia, by Alessia Musillo
Viaggio ad Aarhus: Destinazione paradiso in Danimarca per architetti e designer, by Stefano Paolo Giussani
La transizione ecologica vista dall’arcobaleno

Il Messaggero, by Sabrina Quartieri
City break ad Aarhus: “la città danese dei sorrisi” da vedere, da fare e da mangiare

La Repubblica, by Marina Maffei
Spiagge, stradine colorate e ristoranti sostenibili: benvenuti ad Aarhus

Visitare Aarhus, città imperdibile in un viaggio in Danimarca


Barista Magazine, by Caroline Cormier
Rethinking convenience: How Aarhus is tackling single-use waste, one cup at a time

MSN, by Lindsey Puls
15 cool new things to do in Denmark in 2025

AAA Explorer
10 European Cities to Visit Right Now

Luxe Getaways, by Corinne Whiting
Exploring Denmark: The Land of Beauty, Curiosity & Abundant Hygge

Lonely Planet, by Laura Hall
When to visit Denmark: a guide to what’s happening every month

Under the Radar, by Laura Studarus 
Slowdive, Pulp, The Smile, Massive Attack, St. Vincent - NorthSide Festival, Aarhus

FLOOD, by Joshua Mellin
Live, in Photos: NorthSide Festival with The Smile, St. Vincent, Massive Attack, and More

The World's Greatest Places of 2023

Vouge, by Regan Stephens
In Denmark, Harbor Bathing Is a Year-Round Activity - Here's Why and Where to Try It

The Daily Beast
From the Himalayas to Underrated Midwestern Cities, Where to Travel to in 2023

Penta, by Michael Kaminer
Great Escapes: Aarhus, Denmark's Unsung Second City

The Daily Beast, by Andrew Kirell
Aarhus Is Europe’s Best City You’ve Never Heard Of

The Points Guy, by Mary Holland
From theme parks to power plants, why Denmark is our sustainable destination of 2022

Other, by Ragnar Egilsson
Ævintýri í útsveitum Jótlands

The Australian Financial Review, by Robert Bevan
Viking vibes: Denmark's second city is a revelation - any time of year

Blick, Christiane Neubauer
Kopenhagens kleine Schwester

Kvinde i Troldeskoven på Jernhatten på Djursland

Foto:Sarah Green


Travelmore: Sensommer på Anholt - fem must see-oplevelser

Politiken: Seks ting du ikke må snyde dig selv for på Djursland - og vi tænker hverken på fregatten eller på Djurs Sommerland

Magasinet BÅD: Læg til ved dejlige Djursland

Samvirke: 8 oplevelser for vandglade børn og voksne

Politiken: Hotelbaren skal være lokales stamværtshus

Politiken: Den gamle kurby er nu blevet outdoor-hovedstad

Politiken: Verdens ældste kulfyrede hjuldamper: Her får 'Hjejlen' pudset fjerene hver vinter